letting them know than by placing ads in magazines and newspapers. If you have any suggestions of places where we might place ads which we could afford, that you feel would find a lot of our lost sisters please write in about it. Although there will be notification of the 1977 dues of $20.00 being payable in January, sent in the Femme Mirror, this is just a little extra reminder. Every year there are those who say they didn't get reminded, so here it is.
IV. UNDERSTANDING CROSS DRESSING: Most of you know about this new book by now, so I am not going to say much about it as such. However, I am going to make an appeal to those of you with any appreciation for the help you have gotten from any of Chevalier's activities to help others who are still in need. To do this I ask you to buy copies and donate them to libraries in your area. Several of our readers have already done this voluntarily. As most of you know there is nothing of any value to be found in libraries. If this Understanding book were there the next sister who comes along might not have to go away empty handed as so many of us did. To make it easy for you I'll offer a special price of $4.60. (postage included) instead of the usual $6.00 if you will place an order with me for a library and send a short note of donation with it. I will then mail the book and your letter to the library of your choice. Not only will you be helping someone else out of the closet, but in a little longer run you may help yourself to a new friend because if someone finds it, writes to Chevalier, decides to join Tri Sigma you could have another friend in your own city or town. In any case it is a way of passing on the help and pleasure you have gained.
V. TRANSVESTIA #60: This was a special issue of TVia devoted largely to articles dealing in one way or another with the subject of transsexuality. It had an article by one who had had the surgery, another by one who wanted to have it but who, after a thorough examination of the whole question, which she writes about in detail, decided not to have it. One by Susanna and one by myself. This issue had long been out of regular stock, but I recently found that the printer had a box of about 100 "insides" of this issue. He still had them because he ran out of covers first and thus he didn't finish them. I'm having covers printed for them and so they will be available for any who want them to complete sets or just because it was a very special issue that is the reason why it ran out of stock so soon. Price $5 and 50 cents postage as usual.